Thursday, 20 June 2019

shopping, sikhs and street photography

I'm visiting West Bromwich to see the superb Caravan Gallery exhibition, part of the 'Blast!' photography festival.  Walking through the town centre I take the opportunity to explore the market areas. They are bustling, vibrant and full of colour.

I love street photography. It provides so many opportunities to speak to strangers and listen to their stories for an all too brief moment. West Bromwich proves to be particularly friendly.  I'm called across by a lovely group of Sikh gentlemen sitting on two rows of benches in the middle of King's Square. They allow me to take their photographs and their sense of community is just so refreshing.



Saturday, 15 June 2019

night skies

when the light dims
sharp needles
the clouds
a prairie of stinging nettles
that hold off
the falling sky 
it shrouds
from view 

a dog's dinner

Well, we couldn't leave Roscoe out could we?!

riders on the storm

Yes, it's raining .. and raining... and raining!

What better time to visit Gooderstone Water Gardens in Norfolk. It's great in the sun, but the rain brings a deeper sublime beauty. The verdant foliage, the soft rain-drops casting circles across the streams and pools that traverse the gardens, the primeval scent of damp earth - it overwhelms the senses.

The gardens are empty and we wander in dream-filled reverie.