Thursday, 2 May 2019

the unacceptable face of fashion - kid-gloves

More from 'The Unacceptable Face of Fashion'.  This exorbitantly expensive and much-prized fetish is called 'Kid-Gloves'.


Wednesday, 1 May 2019

veiled and unveiled

Azi has never modeled before and I've never done a fashion photo-shoot either. However, between the two of us, the results seem to have come out OK!

Do check out Azi's amazing photographs on her Instagram account - little_red_pencil.

the unacceptable face of fashion - coat of arms

My photography group starts a new term and the homework this week is 'fashion'. Here's an alternative take on the brutality of modern stye.

Thursday, 25 April 2019


 Three ladies with a life-time of service ...


Spring is such a beautiful season - the first bulbs, blossom and buds emerging to defeat the cold, dark Winter. A walk in the woods becomes a magical  journey of discovery, fresh each year.