Thursday, 1 February 2018

the birthday boy

Dear Sheddists,

I celebrated a 'big' birthday a few days ago with friends and family. What a lovely time I had and thank you so much to everyone who came.  You made the day so special for me.

All the best,



dreams and nightmares - january

The first month of my '365 photos' project is done.  Here are the photos I took - please do nominate your favourite so I can add it to the calendar at the end of the year...

 shadows in the night




 where are you taking me?




 the moment

 hedge fund manager


 liquid assets

 junk bond dealer

financial analyst

 seed capital

 pork belly futures


the scream


mr. fuzzy face

 exploring new worlds


Saturday, 27 January 2018

dreams and nightmares - no. 22


Children see things from a different perspective....

dreams and nightmares - no. 21


So much of our early childhood is spent in circles. Do you remember spinning round and round just for the sheer joy of feeling giddy?  Or riding a roundabout that goes faster and faster and faster? Circles create powerful memories.

As a child I loved to look into kaleidoscopes. In those days they were usually simple paper tubes with a lid-full of little brightly coloured plastic pieces at the opposite end to the lens.  There was such magic to be had by rotating the tube to create an infinity of constantly changing patterns.

I still love kaleidoscopes I have five wonderful wooden ones that continue to entrance me. This photo was taken looking down the barrel of one.