Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Saturday 10 August 2019

the next generation

We watched their family grow and now we watch as their children become parents in their own right.

Thank you, Colin and Debbie, for being our friends. It's been a long and, at times difficult, journey through life but so much very special love has been shared along the way.  

Here's to the next generation of both our families.



Saturday 4 May 2019


Earlier this week I attended a fantastic talk by ace photographer, Mandy Burton.  Mandy was speaking ostensibly about her book, '100 Strangers and their Dogs', which you can read about on her mighty fine blog of similar name.  The talk, however, was much, much more than that. It was an insightful, hilarious, moving and humble story of life, and in particular how and why to take a step outside the comfort zone.

I first came across Mandy's work through Kate Green, my photography tutor at the Midlands Art Centre. She showed our photography group some of her amazing pictures and I was hooked from the 'get go'.  Do take a look at them on Instagram - Mandy's hashtag is #burty123m.

My head was buzzing when I left the talk and blow me down if I didn't stumble across a fantastic photo opportunity at some traffic lights just round the corner from where the event had taken place.  A Yorkshire terrier was looking out the open window of a queuing car. I nearly passed it by, but the urge proved too great to resist. I doubled back and took the snap above.

True serendipity, but weirder still I posted the photograph on my own Instagram account (#electrofried1000) only to discover that Kate Green knows both the dog and its owner!!  

Friday 7 July 2017

the simple pleasures of life

Dear Sheddists,

one of the great joys of retirement is having more time to spend with the family.  Forget exotic holidays abroad or expensive shopping trips to town, it's the simplest pleasures in life that are the best.

Like slipping out for a cheeky breakfast with our daughter and two of our grand-children. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter. This is the stuff of which memories are made!

Yours as ever,
