Tuesday 18 February 2020

community matters - the choir

'Choir singing improves health, happiness - and is the perfect ice-breaker.'

Jacques Launay, Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford

There's a very interesting article by Jacques Launay on the benefits of singing in a choir which is well worth a read.  Even better, why not join a community choir like the one I'm visiting this evening? It may be a cold, dark and rainy winter night but that doesn't stop twenty or so choir members from turning up to practice in the hall of a village primary school.

They extend such a warm welcome and for ninety minutes I listen enraptured.  There may be the odd wrong note, on occasion voices waver off track. However, the sense of community, togetherness and harmony fills the room with a special magic.  It's a privilege to be there!


  1. What a wonderful band of like minded friends n neighbours. Community at its best. My courage has left me for the moment. Would love to join this merry band of singers of songsxx

    1. You would love it, Kim!!! I'm leaving you and Sheila (who leads the choir) a message on the Lapley page in the hope you can get together once things return to normal.


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