Wednesday 16 December 2020

a place where children play

This is a place where children play. A place of laughter and smiles. A place of refuge from the swirling uncertainties of life.


Tuesday 15 December 2020

when roscoe met nev!


There's been a new arrival! Nev is a delightful little whippet puppy who has a new home with our eldest daughter and her family. A few days ago Nev met our Roscoe for the very first time. They seemed to get on fine, though Nev was a little overawed by the size of his rather bigger cousin.
Still, I'm sure it won't be too long before they're chasing each other round to their hearts' content!!!


Wednesday 9 December 2020



Well here she is, my new tank, just waiting to settle down ready for the arrival of the first fish. I'm thinking about a few Congo Tetras to start...
I've always wanted an aquarium ever since I saw one kept by my cousin, Hugo. I was very young at the time and the magic of the darting fish beneath the lights has been etched indelibly on my memory.
The move to our new home last year provided just the opportunity to start my own piscine adventures. I set up a small 60 litre tank and I was hooked! But it was never going to be enough. So now I'm in the process of establishing a second, much larger 240 litre tank. I've had a go at some pretty rudimentary aquascaping by building a small hill at the back, decorating it with dragon rock and planting what I hope will in time grow into a lush underwater lawn.

I just need the nitrogen cycle to establish itself now. Patience is a virtue!

Tuesday 8 December 2020



Have you ever felt like this?




One of the things I've missed most during Lock-down v.1 and Lock-down v.2 is seeing friends and family. One of the last social engagements I enjoyed prior to retreating in-doors was with Terry. Every few months we treat ourselves to a lunch in town followed by a tour of the local hostelries.
One of our favourite haunts is a subterranean cellar called the Post Office Vaults. It has a stupendously long, and at times rather expensive, menu of bottled Belgian beers. In an effort to recreate a cyber version of our regular outings we both ordered the same crate of Belgian beer from an on-line supplier and worked our way through it while chatting on Facetime.
It was great fun, but I can't wait to see Terry again in person once the pandemic is under control.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

don't shed a tear


don't shed a tear
I pass by
clothed in rime and dew
rub your eyes
see the coming cold
and rejoice
don't shed a tear