Monday, 1 April 2019

a very special birthday - part two

Edna is strong, fiercely loyal ... and obstinate!  And we're here to celebrate her 90th birthday.

Edna is strong. She was widowed young, left with one daughter and another on the way. Her eldest daughter suffered a massive brain haemorrhage and subsequently committed suicide. Her grandson succumbed to Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy, a terrible muscle-wasting disease.  But despite everything life has thrown at Edna she's shown enormous dignity, determination, grit and grace.

Edna is fiercely loyal.  Once you're a friend you're a friend forever.  She's always brought people together, and her birthday celebrations are no exception.

Edna is obstinate! Some time ago she gave instructions that should she fall unconscious prior to her 90th birthday she was to be resuscitated, but not afterwards. Well she made her birthday and in style!

Edna ... we love you!!!!