Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cake. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 June 2020

au revoir

It's a cold and over-cast end to the week. Fortunately the rain-clouds lift sufficiently for us to get together with Revd. Catherine and partake of some rather yummy cake, all at a suitable social distance of course!

In true Christian spirit Catherine shares some with two passing walkers. A true communion of crumbs.

It's sad to say farewells but we all wish Catherine and her family every happiness in the next stage in their journey through life.

Friday 23 September 2016

The delights of afternoon tea

 Dear Sheddists,

we had a marvelous afternoon out yesterday, taking tea at Stourport Manor Hotel, the former home of three times Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, courtesy of a birthday gift voucher.

A leisurely drive through the backwoods of Worcester saw us arrive half an hour early, but the hotel staff were all too happy to swing into motion straight away.  Pots of tea were produced immediately, followed just ten minutes later by a veritable cornucopia of light refreshments featuring crust-cut finger sandwiches, home-made cream scones and an assortment of cakes to match the finest from Great British Bake Off.

We ate splendidly and got talking to a lovely couple on the next table about our respective special needs grandsons.  Shared burdens, shared joys and shared understandings.

We did a lap of the hotel grounds in a vain attempt to burn off surplus calories before our return trip. This is indeed the stuff of retirement.

Yours as ever,
