Monday 19 May 2014

Polaroid dream

Their feckless razors cut mean red slits through the night. We sleep so restlessly, tossing and turning as the door knocks time and time again.  Somewhere a disconnected telephone rings and we pick up the receiver to hear the voice of the late General George Armstrong call.  He chants the number 6 …

… and the nightmare 
moebius loop

Lycanthrope scratchings, rabid at the door with the voice of General George repeating his chant in time to the background.  Some sweet smelling flowers of romance to lay his grave by ...

number 6
number 6

Friday 16 May 2014

Letter home


I feel compelled to write ya'll, given the grave sufferances of these last sore days. It was not of my makin' that, tarred and feathered, they pushed me to the Styx with a host of flies buzzin' in mah poor ears. See, they would not desist, even when we hit the water in that cold, cold hemp bag.

It was of that very self-same strange light wherein I spied ya, writhin' on the chair like some hog-tied sucklin' pig.  It was from sheer pity that mah chain-saw fell. You know that, ma!  When I fetch out my eye-glass to look-see and it was all bones and blubber on the floor, do you think it was not in my very contemplation to offer you mah hand in dance?

Were it not that it too lie severed and stumbling in the sawdust beside ya'll, scuttlin' off to shadow as fass as its floppy little fingers would permit.

They say I am a bad, bad boy, ma but dance is all for my wanton do.

Just waltz-time limbless and flapping.

yours as ever ….

journey no. 16 - beached