Friday, 19 January 2018

dreams and nightmares - no. 13

the junk bond dealer...

 ...seeks release

The junk bond dealer is the 'bottom-feeder' in the deep sea world of international finance. He hoovers up dubious and risky corporate IOU's then recycles them in the form of tempting, competitively priced packages.

Unfortunately there is a tendency for such dealers to develop too close a bond with their junk. Should this happen drastic action may be required to break free.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

dreams and nightmares - no. 12

liquid assets...


Liquid assets are the life-blood of the financial world, without it the wheels of capitalism grind to a shuddering halt. However, in the stress-filled world of the stockbroker one drink can lead to another until at last the bottle is drained.

A salutary tale for us all to heed.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

dreams and nightmares - no. 11

the money launderer... all comes out in the wash

The money launderer operates on the dark side of the financial world, cleaning up the dirty work of others.  It's a secretive job that takes place in shadowy back-street corners.

Armed only with a bottle of Persil and a spray-gun of Vanish he can make the deepest of stains disappear from the illegal proceeds of crime.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

dreams and nightmares - no. 10

the hedge fund manager...

...a beast in the jungle

One of the most ferocious of the big cats, the hedge fund manager stalks his investment prey relentlessly. Freed from the bonds of nit-picking regulatory requirements he pounces at will, delivering high returns, taking high risks and dealing in huge wads of highly leveraged capital.

But sometimes the hedge fund manager bites off more than he can chew. And when he does he must digest his prey piece by piece.

dreams and nightmares - no. 9

the moment

Dear Sheddists,

at the end of last night's photography class we shot some portraits.  Our model was Jenny, a member of our group, and to enhance the drama a slide was projected onto her face and body.

I was standing to Jenny's left and the photograph came after I asked Jenny to do two things. The first was to look scared; the second was to look even more scared.  I think she succeeded very well indeed but I shall leave you to judge.

Best regards,


dreams and nightmares - no. 8



Dear Sheddists,

the light on our second walk in our favourite Norfolk forest was not not so kind. It was a grey, overcast day.  However, there was still an ethereal quality to the muted greens and muddy browns.

The photo above (in common with the rest in this series) was created by a double exposure.  The leaves were on another tree, but when superimposed on the neighbouring mossy tree trunk they took on a petrified, dream-like appearance.

As with all double-exposure photography the initial attempts were rather trial and error, but I think it was worth persevering.  

Yours as ever,


dreams and nightmares - no. 7


Dear Sheddists,

today's entry in my 365 photo project poses one question. 'Who is the voyeur?' It could be those holding the torches. It could be the photographer firing off a flash. It could even be you! The photo was taken using my new 'lighting rig' which comprises three cheap LED torches. But can you figure out how I took it? The earlier photos leading up to the final picture may give you a clue.

Best regards,
