Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Saturday 13 October 2018


The topic this week in my PhotoGroup is 'plastic'.  

It's everywhere - littering the side of roads, heaped up in huge land-fill piles, drifting across the oceans and buried deep in forests.  It threatens to consume us all and this is how I've interpreted the brief.

The plastic film threatens to engulf the face. It obscures and distorts its features, much as it does the natural landscape once we've carelessly discarded it.  The plastic serves as a mask to our collective madness, a mask that one day may obliterate us.

These are not pretty pictures. They are not meant to be. Instead, the intention is to challenge and confront our complacency.

Saturday 4 February 2017

the beauty of the day - no. 5

Dear Sheddists,

yesterday, having been confined to barracks for almost two weeks by the dreaded flu, mrs electrofried and I ventured out to the cinema.  We watched, "I, Daniel Blake", a supremely moving film which sums up the love, despair and hope that exists in the twisted world of austerity where the avarice of the rich leaves deep and lasting scars on the most vulnerable in society.

So where is the beauty to be found?  In two places First, the refusal of the eponymous hero of the film to bow to a faceless bureaucracy.  Second, in seeing a very special place.  The film was shot in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and one scene showed the very place where mrs electrofried and I first held hands as gawky teenagers all those years ago.

Love conquers all.

yours as ever,


Saturday 4 July 2015


It's ten to two in the morning. Lightening flashes outside to chill the sultry air and I'm listening for the first time to Amy Winehouse sing.

We went to the Electric Cinema last night, stretched out on the Valentino sofa, together in an oasis of calm amidst the sweating city desert of a thousand Friday evening hot dreams. We ate sticky honey-combed ice-cream and watched a young Jewish flame extinguished.

It was a moving film, just  the soundtrack of a short life played out in the flashlights of a world that spins endlessly restless. 

And I'm listening now to the departed voice.