Showing posts with label diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diary. Show all posts

Saturday 23 September 2017


Dear Sheddists,

during my second writing class we looked at the creation of characters.

Toward the end we collaborated in small groups to develop our own character and this is what the group I was in came up with ...

 Mimi -  a study in fading elegance

'Mimi is a Japanese lady in her fifties.  She was once 'something' in the media and has a loyal following of teenage boys who idolise and idealise her.  Her external beauty is slowly dissolving.

Mimi  is fighting against the media's view of her. This conflict is reflected in the nervous twitching of her left foot, exacerbated by the early onset of arthritis.  She has a dark secret - a relationship with an older woman. Through this she seeks to overcome poor bonding with her own mother who died in a tragic accident while Mimi was still young.

Mimi toys constantly with a small jade netsuke. This object has a permanence and a solidity which contrasts starkly with her fading elegance and the temporary nature of the world she inhabits.

Mimi wears an expensive haute couture trouser-suit coupled with a high-necked silk blouse.  Her outfit is complemented by beautiful jewelry.  Mimi's make-up is immaculate and tasteful - she has red nails.

Her demeanor is serene. Mimi is well-used to the attentions of the camera.  However, from time to time she will glance over her shoulder. Perhaps she's concerned her past is catching up with her.'

A second character

We also devised a second character to interact with Mimi ... 

'Mimi has an octogenarian fan who is both wealthy and utterly obsessed. He has statues at the gated entrance to his large estate in the shape of Mimi's netsuke.

This man has suffered many failed relationships in the past.  No one he has met can ever match his idol.

His wealth comes from the pharmaceutical company he has built up over the years.

The man is average-looking, nothing to mark him out from the crowd. He does, however, have a Mimi tattoo on a hidden part of his body.'

A diary entry for Mimi

Our homework this week is to compose a diary entry written by our chosen character. Here's my attempt ...

'Flowers today - lots of them. Just like yesterday, just like the day before that, just like for ever. What on earth am I going to do with them all?!  Chiharu can't stand them. Says they remind her of the cherry-blossom gardens in the Hirano Shrine at Kyoto.   

I'm getting worried about Chiharu. She's starting to drift. Takes her ages to get going in the morning. She talks endlessly about mist, dewdrops, shrouds and different shades of moss and none of it makes the remotest bit of sense.

I have to pull myself together. An interview this morning.  I'll wear the navy trouser-suit. Seems more ... commanding.  And I need to be on top of my game today.

Let's throw away all the flowers. Got to make sure the wrapping paper is folded neatly. I'll put the cellophane and those funny little green bags of crystals to one side to make sure they all go in the right recycling bin.  And what exactly should I do with the crystals?  I can't make up my mind which bin to put them in. Perhaps I should just grind them up and feed them to Chiharu with her breakfast jasmine tea! She'll never notice. She might even enjoy them.

A shower, make-up, nails - it seems to take longer and longer with each passing day.  Just hope I can get through that interview OK.'

Well it's hardly a work of art, but I enjoyed the challenge of trying to bring a character to life in a few short sentences.  I'm looking forward to what next week brings!

Yours as ever,
