Thursday, 15 June 2023

community group 'bring and share'


I do think the picture above is worthy of a 'Caption Contest' ...


the joy of cow-parsley


I haven't been out with my camera much of late - partly down to recuperation after my hip-replacement, partly down to a lack of inspiration.
So it was great the other evening to look through our cottage windows and see the setting sun bathe the rich, green countryside. I strode out with my camera and spent an hour reflecting on the beauty of God's creation, and in particular the humble cow-parsley.
It was all there, waiting to be discovered just a few yards from the front-door.


Friday, 2 June 2023

we apologize for the inconvenience ... back in two weeks


past jars and cycled
plastered across the silenced
echoes that spill
streets of blackened spice
our loaded memories
our hands clawed and hung
on the locks and bars
of an empty tattooed space

it's closed

and we apologize for the inconvenience