Monday 20 June 2022

somewhere in an english church


somewhere in an english church
in silence
passing through
and candles
and lights
and flowers
and pipes
somewhere in an english church
in silence
passing through
the black monks
and the high  
and the mighty
and the lowly
and the dead
somewhere in an english church


  1. There is something magical about ancient churches. Something is lost when old oak pews are ripped out and replaced by something more flexible such as stackable chairs. It has to be said that the general loss of public faith with its concomitant effect on the size and age spread of congregations inevitably leads to desperate measures to 'move with the times '. The countervailing freedom of thought comes with a price. Still, while we may, it is wonderful still to find and find awe in surroundings such as you picture.

  2. Thank you very much for your comment and for your most thoughtful observations. Churches have changed throughout the course of history. Unless they are closed through lack of use or become just historical monuments devoid of a worshipful congregation this will continue to be the case. For everything there is a time and a season. The oak pews in this church are old, but they have not always been there. I sit on them regularly and they are very uncomfortable. They also restrict the use of the Church building, both for secular and ecclesiastical purposes. If and when they are removed in the future it should not be a desperate measure but something thought through carefully and considered prayerfully. Once again, thank you for expressing your views so clearly. I appreciate there can be widely divergent opinions on issues such as these and it is good for there to be an open and a listening debate.


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