Friday, 31 August 2018

in the human zoo

Yesterday I was in town for lunch with an old and very dear friend. I hadn't seem him for a little time so it was an absolute delight to catch up.

I arrived early and had half an hour spare to take some street photos.  I recently bought a mini Sony pocket camera specifically for this purpose.  It's so small I can put it in the palm of my hand - great for taking shots on the move.

Here are the photos I took. Some were humorous, some poignant, but the saddest of all was a victim of Spice, the horrendous synthetic drug which reduces users to zombies. Amidst all the hustle and bustle on the street this poor man was totally catatonic.  

Normally I would not dream of posting a shot like this but I felt compelled to do so. It's a salutary reminder that there but for the grace of God go I.

hanging on the line