Tuesday 12 October 2010

the twitch texts - vol. 4

my daughter

Looks like twitch might be let out today!  Yeah! Just got to see the expert n discuss a plan of action.  What are the odds?

my daughter

The vampires are out to get him.  They want his blood!

my friend, Ric

Hi.  Just wanted to see how it's going. Ric

my daughter

Twitch successfully registered.  Just picking up little lamper now and then home.  G is already there.

my daughter

Well twitch has had a week of being at home and has been doing really well until the doctors decided to mess with his medication.  He has started fitting again.  Just got to see how they want to change his medicine.

my daughter

I think they got bored with us here.  Off to addenbrookes on mon if they have a bed for us.

my daughter

Well twitch is so excited about going to addenbrookes that he is trying to beat his record number of fits in a day.  So far we are on 12 and his record is 14.  Lets hope the extra meds kick in soon.

my daugher

Looks like the doctors really like the pictures twitch draws with his brain.  Addenbrookes want to see them 2 so another eeg it is.  They also dont think he is enough of a druggie so more medication as well.  At least he wont need to dabble with drugs when he is older, he will already have the tee shirt!

my daughter

What a performer.  Sleep, fits and awake time on the eeg.  What a good boy!

my daughter

The hospital have a new tactic.  Turn twitch luminous!  His medicine is bright yellow and stains everything it touches, clothes and skin.  Twitch has a lovely shade of lipstick at the minute.

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