Friday, 1 July 2022

it's a happening place


 and all our future is shiny
metal cut-ups
to a window
on a new world
stand back





Monday, 27 June 2022

a concert for ukraine


On Friday our church hosted a special, 'Concert for Ukraine'. Over a hundred people came to hear a fantastic night of music. A local lady from Ukraine spoke to us about her country and a family of Ukrainians, fresh to the village, were in attendance too.

In all the concert raised over £760 from ticket sales, donations and refreshments, all of which is going to the DEC Ukrainian appeal. 

Thank you so much to Lindsey who organised the concert, to Michael, Joe, Karen and John, her fellow musicians, to the ladies who baked cakes, to our fantastic hard-working refreshments team, to all those who came or donated and to The Revd. Rachel who closed our night fittingly in prayer.



Sunday, 26 June 2022



I have fond memories of a walk through red-light Amsterdam streets with two young boys and their parents. And now I stand next to one of those boys again.
Don't worry, this is not a story of child abuse!  Michael's parents were two fantastic Christian missionaries from the church where my wife and I  asked Jesus into our lives.  We visited them and their family in Amsterdam over three decades ago when they were serving in a place called 'The Ark'.
And now Michael and I are here together again. It's the sound-check for a 'Concert for Ukraine' and he's one of the musicians who will be playing later in the evening. 
We start to chat and before long discover our historical links.  A chance encounter or a reminder of how God brings paths to cross? 
Michael's changed a lot since I lost saw him - bigger and facially hirsute - but some things, like his passion for music, remain the same.   I love times like these.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

real gone


an early morning walk
in the early morning sun
in an early morning village
in an early morning world
and the sky is warm and high
and the grass has grown fast
and the sun is shining brightly
on a day that's green-cut cast
the field is cut
the hay is baled
and soon it goes from view
a memory as time flows past
of where the grass once grew.