Monday, 27 May 2019

birmingham pride 2019

OK, I know there are a lot of pictures in this post but I just couldn't leave any out! So many people were so welcoming in allowing me to take their photograph that I simply had to show them all.

Birmingham Pride 2019 was a fantastic event. In times when fear, hatred, division and discord run rampant it was brilliant to see hope, love, unity and harmony win the day.  The LGBTQ community and their supporters did Birmingham proud!!!

So come with me on the parade, see the photos and enjoy a fantastic celebration of life in all its rich and beautiful diversity!

Saturday, 25 May 2019

the knife angel

The 'Knife Angel' was created by Alfie Bradley at the National Ironwork Centre in Oswestry, Shrophire. Knives and other weapons collected from all forty three of the UK police forces were used in its construction and you can learn more about how and why it came into being by clicking here.

The statue is on tour round the country and is currently on display at Victoria Square in the heart of Birmingham.  It exudes a brooding presence and is an utterly compelling piece of work. Do go and see it if you get a chance.