Friday, 14 December 2018

parr for the course

Martin Parr, the famous British documentary photographer, spoke last night at West Bromwich Town Hall. His was the last of three talks to publicise next year's Blast Festival, a celebration of life in the six towns of Sandwell.

Martin takes us through some of the highlights of his fifty year career, which he describes as getting paid to pursue his hobby!  Do take a look at his web-site if you haven't come across his work before - it's well worth a visit.


Wednesday, 12 December 2018


A few weeks ago the homework for my Photo Group was to look afresh at the qualities of light. I had an ideal opportunity to snap the photo above one foggy morning when the traffic came to a halt. I l just loved the combination of red lights.

Two days later I posted the picture to my Instagram account (electrofried1000).  I used a couple of hash-tags -  #red and #kingcrimson. The former is obvious, but the latter requires further explanation.

King Crimson are one of my very favourite bands. I've followed them for over forty five years and last saw them perform in Birmingham a few weeks ago. One of their most famous albums is called 'Red', hence the rationale for my second hash-tag. 

Much to my surprise, I woke up morning after posting the photo to find it had been 'liked' by Pat Mastelotto. The name may mean nothing to you, but it does to me. You see, Pat is one of the three drummers in King Crimson!  It goes without saying it made my day!!