Saturday, 12 April 2014

A joining

It was sun-filled celebration, the Spring joining of two young men who declared their love and who committed to each other.

It was a time that linked different people, different places.

It was a speech when a loving father choked back tears and journeyed in grace with a wife so proud by his side.

It was a wheel-chaired poignant smile from a mother in the fading embers of a day.

It was the space in time we were so very, very privileged to share.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The agony, the ecstasy … and the pies

Quilted memories

Here's someone who just loves his new quilt! Clever Nanny made it for him from his old, outgrown outfits. They're sewn together in love and they tell a story of this little man's short life to date.

How good it is to see him smile!