Sunday, 7 August 2011

a wedding

We speed down the motorway in convoy, dodging the rain clouds.

The grounds of the Abbey are green and lush, welcoming like the party within.  They come from around the world to witness a young Englishman and young Japanese lady exchange their vows.  And the language of love is universal - no words are needed.

These photographs are dedicated to my nephew, his beautiful new bride and their respective families ...


修道院敷地内には内のパーティのように歓迎しと緑豊かです彼らは若いイギリス日本の若い女性の交換、その誓い目撃するために、世界中から来ると愛言語普遍的である - の言葉は必要ありません


Tuesday, 2 August 2011


The cutter comes late morning.

Swathing wave of corn-kissed sun trembling a mile long outside our window. Glassy stares and the blood-red threshing circle of metalled teeth grinds slowly to place.

I watch, camera cocked and he doffs his cap, implacable in silhouette against the noon. And then!!! The mettageisen furies unleashed, digging deep to the dirt cloud swirls. Their heads fall sullen to the ground, row upon row upon row. Falling. Their seed spills rich in the dust storm.

Three mile-long passes to the boundary.

The cutter comes once more in the dawn, blade glint and rasping the husks. I sit in the field, hidden in the long summer grass and pick over death in the stalks as time flows past me in a harvest of dust.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

respect the light ...

It moves, it shimmers, it burns away the early morning clouds to etch the sky cobalt.

I've been up at crack of dawn, camera in hand, pondering a mystery. The complete and utter impossibility of taking the perfect photograph. It's over twenty eight years since I began this strange voyage, yet still she eludes me. Sometimes I get closer than others. An ambush late at night, or a dawn stalk like today. Yet still she makes away to the thinning air.

There was a time I was bedazzled by harsh mid-day colour, intoxicated with swirling motion. And now I seek still. She is to be found there, in the empty tranquility. If I just look a little harder ...

Monday, 4 July 2011

what is church?

church is not bricks and mortar, though it's built on a firm foundation
church is not systems and processes, though beauty is to be found in a story that passes down the ages
church is not history alone, it is the past, the present and the future

this is my church

these are my brothers and sisters.