Wednesday, 26 May 2021

the haunting eyes of peony jack


in greek mythology paeon was the physician to the gods. he angered his teacher, asclepius, by extracting a milky liquid from a plant root to cure pluto.
asclepius was jealous and threatened to kill him. zeus turned paeon into a beautiful flower instead.


celebrated for centuries for their healing and magical properties, peonies were first taken to england by the roman legions in 1200.
legend had it nymphs would hide their naked forms by turning into peonies.
peony jack came to life in victorian times. he hid in peony trees awaiting spring. when peony jack awoke no-one was safe.


his clear blue eyes haunt us still. 
we dare not look into them for fear we may be transformed.

i wanna mow your hand

i wanna smell
you something
that's dipped inside
and when I say
i love you
i need you
to undermine
that certain feeling
i cringe
deep inside
oh yeah
  i wanna mow your hand
hot alice
i wanna mow your hand