Friday, 20 March 2020

signs and wonders

The owner of the Peninsular restaurant may come to regret hiring the dyslexic sign-writer.

 One of the reasons I LOVE living in the country ...

... is that it's such a welcoming place!!

The shop that was so bad it had to be sold ...

Welcome to Britain's first Hobbit-themed leisure resort.

Really ...!!

And to finish ... it's always good to be reminded.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

community matters - the chess players

Last week (which now seems but a distant memory) Brewood Chess Circle took part in a rapid-play tournament with Shrewsbury, Telepost and Wellington. Very kindly, they gave me permission to take some photos.

Rapid-play is a fascinating and exciting  game. Players compete against each other and against a time-limit of twenty minutes. This can lead to frenetic action toward the end as the clock ticks down.

The room was hushed and the atmosphere intense. Chess is a game of total absorption. 

I thoroughly enjoyed watching the tournament. My very grateful thanks to Roger, David and to all the ardent chess-players I spoke to during the evening.