Sunday, 30 June 2019

mandy visits

Earlier this week legendary dog photographer and musician Mandy Burton visits. She's come to take some photographs of Roscoe, our flat-coated retriever puppy. Conversation, chocolate biscuits, coffee and tea flow endlessly in the morning sun and now it's time to take some pictures.

Never work with children or animals! Here are my photos - Mandy's will follow next.




the work continues ..

So now the foundations have been dug across the road there are huge piles of soil and clay to remove.


Wednesday, 26 June 2019


The rain held off just long enough for our photo-group to do a little work outside the MAC.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

the foundations

We're really looking forward to having new neighbours opposite. Work has now begun and they've very kindly given me permission to photograph the building project.

Here's the foundations being put in for the new extensions.