Saturday, 22 December 2012


Dreams from the Apocalypse - Fly Free

The lines of traffic flow like blood through veins, trailing red light smears.  I watch them ... pass.

Arriving at the control point, captured.  We're lead into a glass-walled room, scared and trembling as the stern lady arrives with her clip-board.  She reads names, and the Zyclon-B prussic acid gas lies but a tender-embrace beyond.

Her attention diverted and I reach for the out-size metal safe-lock mechanism on the glass wall behind. Spinning and spinning a glass door reveal opens and I run out.

A long corridor.

Running in blind panic, terrified by the pursuer behind.  But proud. I'm broken free.

The dead-end reached.  A brittle wooden-wall and the pursuer closes fast behind now.  I feel her every breathe on the back of my neck, calling me back.  I smash through and tread a path between shattered glass-optic glinting kaleidoscopic shards and up to the ramp.

Black smoke pluming.  All this way just to die?  The black plumes give way to white-fleck steam clouds and it's out into cool night air where ....

The lines of traffic flow like blood through veins, trailing red light smears.  And I chase after them ... flying free!!!!!