Saturday, 22 December 2012


Dreams from the Apocalypse - Fly Free

The lines of traffic flow like blood through veins, trailing red light smears.  I watch them ... pass.

Arriving at the control point, captured.  We're lead into a glass-walled room, scared and trembling as the stern lady arrives with her clip-board.  She reads names, and the Zyclon-B prussic acid gas lies but a tender-embrace beyond.

Her attention diverted and I reach for the out-size metal safe-lock mechanism on the glass wall behind. Spinning and spinning a glass door reveal opens and I run out.

A long corridor.

Running in blind panic, terrified by the pursuer behind.  But proud. I'm broken free.

The dead-end reached.  A brittle wooden-wall and the pursuer closes fast behind now.  I feel her every breathe on the back of my neck, calling me back.  I smash through and tread a path between shattered glass-optic glinting kaleidoscopic shards and up to the ramp.

Black smoke pluming.  All this way just to die?  The black plumes give way to white-fleck steam clouds and it's out into cool night air where ....

The lines of traffic flow like blood through veins, trailing red light smears.  And I chase after them ... flying free!!!!!

Friday, 9 November 2012

This was a garden, once


Past sentient city rush
and the seemingly stained
sewer tunnel
horse power
cold cough
day break


and an old man
from the wreckage


run, run, run
and dissolving
shadow land

Pictures of a City

Saturday, 20 October 2012

I have not met you

i have not met you
like some slovenly dash my head against the wall
cutting up scenes
in a dark, harsh black and white screaming
animal world

is this not howl?
cast faces to the wind
and unfold
in a rush of blood-stained
silent film

time bombed

that scrapes back to patina
in a frenzy of flash-danced innocent first-love world

Remember a day .....